This is a fairly easy day, just a few locks, so we weren't too fussed about getting going too quickly. Alan started steering, and I decided that it was time that I had a proper clean around. There was a lot of dust in the carpets, and we'd managed to transfer a lot of dried grass inside at All Oaks Wood.
Hillmorton locks |
Ooo! Yes, I did. But we couldn't be too late going because the small gym is getting very busy late afternoon at the moment. Immediately there was a bit of a problem - could we get to Braunston in time?
A quick stop in Rugby was essential for a few things at the supermarket. We were lucky, all the moorings were full but the water point was empty, an ideal spot to fill up with water while I made a very quick visit to the Tesco. I got back to the boat just at the point that the tank was full.
Yes - the bow needs a repaint even more now it's been welded up! |
We got to Braunston in good time. People on another boat told us that Braunston was 'chocka', so we moored on the Northern Oxford before the main moorings, and I walked to meet up with Polly.
I thoroughly enjoyed going to the gym. I used the treadmill to check that I can run a mile comfortably in 10 minutes (OK, yes, I'm breaking no records there, but I haven't run for 15 years until recently), then another 15 minutes of intervals to try to build up my speed. Then weights. I felt great afterwards. I wish that I could go to the gym more often, but I am so often away that any gym membership becomes uneconomic.
The dogs, particularly Odin, behaved like idiots when they saw their special friend Polly. Then a pleasant meal in the Old Plough.
One more day to home.
All Oaks to Braunston
Miles 15.0, Locks: 3
Total Miles 354.7, Total Locks: 349
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