Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Swimming, oil change and solar panel - and still time for fourteen locks.

(Boat Flamingo - posted by Cath)

There is absolutely nothin Odin likes better than this.
David and I took Odin to the lake before breakfast, so that he could have a swim. Then we set off towards Harecastle Tunnel, expecting a long wait to be allowed through. Harecastle has one-way working at a time, so that boats are let through in one direction, then the other. In fact, we were the second boat in the queue, and we were told that we would be going through in five minutes - barely time to make sure that Alan, as steerer, had everything he needed.

Much towpath wsalking gets done at the Cheshire Locks.
The tunnel is very low in the middle, because of subsidence - an earlier tunnel sank so much that the tunnel roof is under water - so Alan had to crouch low to be able to steer that section.


Not sure what had caught Cath's interest here.
Then, straight into the 'Cheshire Locks'. Down the first six, and we stopped for lunch - the rest of the oatcakes, then carried on down another eight. By this time I was getting tired after the long day yesterday so we pulled over at about 4 pm. We are moored in the most beautiful countryside, far from houses and roads, and with not even any other boats for company.


At some of the twinned locks one of the pair is derelict.
At about 5:30 I went off for a run, and Alan started the oil change - never an easy or clean job on an old boat.


The left hand lock here has also not operated for many years.
A friend of ours has lent us a 100 watt solar panel for this trip, but we hadn't had the chance to wire it up before, so David and Alan got it connected, albeit as temporary arrangement. It was late enough in the day that the current recorded was minimal, so we have to wait for another day to see what it is capable of.

Alan walks ahead to set up yet another lock.

Plenty of action for dogs!

It never ceases to amaze us how long it can look in some pictures.

The humans are slowing down, but the dogs still going strong.

Attractive setting at Thurlwood
Westport Lake to near Pierpoint Locks
Miles 6.9, Locks: 14
Total Miles 106.8, Total Locks: 67

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